Dental Hygienist’s Basic Tools

Don't just look for a dentist near me without considering the entire team of dental workers. In order for a dental hygienist to do his or her work well, he or she would rely on a couple of small tools, although they work with their hands most of the time. However, the way technology advances everyday, the tools used by dental hygienists when working also advances too. Some of the basic tools that the dental hygienist uses almost on a daily basis include:

Rotary and hand instruments. These are the instruments that the dental hygienist will use when cleaning up the client’s teeth.

The second tools that are used are the ultrasonic devices. These are the tools that are efficient when it comes to removing the stains that are on the teeth. These sonic devices help out in cleaning the teeth and also in polishing them making them as white as they are supposed to be without any stains.

Another tool that is important in the work of a dental hygienist is the teeth models. This is because the hygienists will use these models to show and teach the patients or who ever else it may be on how to clean their own teeth better. They will also demonstrate to them how a root canal therapy is performed. These models are also important as the dental hygienist will use it to show how he or she is going to apply sealants on the teeth of the patient or to simply demonstrate how certain agents for cleaning teeth can be applied before performing the same on the client.

The final basic tool that is required by a dental hygienist is the anesthetic devices. These devices for anesthesia include syringes. This is important as the dental hygienist is going to use the syringe for example to inject the local anesthesia. This is usually done on the patient immediately before he or she undergoes a dental procedure such as an oral surgery, root canal tooth removal or filling of the teeth. This is thus a very important tool in the work of a dental hygienist.